A bridge is used when a patient has one or more teeth missing — the bridge is anchored to the teeth on either side of the missing teeth. In the case of bridge implants, the teeth are anchored using implants rather than natural teeth.

Do you have several missing teeth? Is it embarrassing when you smile or talk? Many people who have missing teeth find themselves covering their mouth during conversations. They seldom smile in pictures or in person and it hinders their life dramatically.

At Dr. Gina Ha & Associates, we recommend bridge implants to replace several missing teeth without invasive treatments. You can have a beautiful smile you’re proud of in the span of a few office visits.

Reasons to Choose Bridge Implants and Procedure

At Dr. Gina Ha & Associates, we find several reasons to recommend a bridge implant rather than the traditional bridge. In some cases, the shape of the jaw or the way that the sinus cavity and/or bone structure is situated makes a bridge implant a better solution. We may not recommend bridge implants for patients who put a lot of pressure on that area of their mouth. Every bite is different, so we take an individualized approach to assess how a treatment will perform over time for the patient.

The process starts with a thorough examination, including X-rays, to determine whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure. Options are then discussed so that you can choose the best treatment plan to meet your needs and budget. If an artificial tooth implant is chosen, we determine the best type of implant. A titanium screw is then implanted with a specially made tooth permanently attached to the screw.

When a patient needs to wait between the implant and the final bridge placement, we offer solutions for temporary teeth. This way, you don’t have to worry about the embarrassment of being without teeth for any length of time.

Choose Dr. Gina Ha & Associates to Perform Your Bridge Implant

At Dr. Gina Ha & Associates, we perform a comprehensive evaluation to recommend the most beneficial treatment plan for tooth loss. We want you to be pleased with the look and feel of your teeth. During that initial exam, we assess whether a bridge implant would offer more comfort, a better fit for your jaw, and the most long-lasting result.


Contact us today if you’d like to discuss your options for a bridge implant procedure.

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