There can be several reasons that you may need a tooth extracted. While the idea of having a tooth pulled doesn’t sound especially fun, the reality is that it’s a routine procedure with a short recovery period.
If you have a tooth that has too much damage to repair properly, it opens the door to getting an infection. It’s important to have the tooth extracted so that you can begin the healing process and remove any infection. A tooth damaged enough to need removal is also likely to have been causing you undue pain, which can be cured with an extraction.

At Dr. Gina Ha & Associates, we take a great deal of time in assessing your teeth. If there’s any chance of saving a natural tooth, we’ll often recommend that course of action. However, in cases where the tooth needs to be extracted, we can perform the procedure and help you choose the best method to maintain your best smile.

The Process of Tooth Extraction

Too Many Teeth

Some people simply have too many teeth to adequately fit in their jaw. In this case, a tooth or teeth may be extracted to make room and allow for better alignment.

Gum Disease

Serious gum disease can loosen teeth to the point that they cannot be saved, even with a bone graft.

Baby Teeth Never Fell Out

Some baby teeth simply don’t fall out. For some patients, second teeth grow behind the first. These extra teeth can cause issues with your bite and limit your ability to keep teeth healthy.

To Prevent Infections

In some cases, patients may need otherwise healthy teeth pulled because previous work done to them could pose a risk for infection during certain types of surgery or medical treatment. These cases aren’t common but they do happen.

Severe Tooth Decay

Tooth decay can often be fixed with a filling or root canal but in some severe cases, the tooth may need to come out.

Visit Dr. Gina Ha & Associates for Your Tooth Extraction


In most cases, extraction can be done under a local anesthetic during an office visit. Sometimes the tooth is impacted. This often happens with wisdom teeth because there’s not enough room in the jaw, so they’re removed before they break through the gums naturally. For cases of impacted tooth removal or several extractions at once, the patient may prefer light additional sedation to perform the procedure, which we are happy to provide.

Visit Dr. Gina Ha & Associates for Your Tooth Extraction


In most cases, extraction can be done under a local anesthetic during an office visit. Sometimes the tooth is impacted. This often happens with wisdom teeth because there’s not enough room in the jaw, so they’re removed before they break through the gums naturally. For cases of impacted tooth removal or several extractions at once, the patient may prefer light additional sedation to perform the procedure, which we are happy to provide.

Contact us today to discuss your tooth extraction needs.

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